Nanchang Q-5 Fantan

At the end of 1958, China has approved to authorize a arena advance aircraft that can alter the Shenyang J-6, the adaptation congenital beneath authorization from the Soviet MiG-19. The Chinese admiral absitively that the fresh aircraft would, in the name of Q-5 (Q acceptation Quiangjiji, advance aircraft), be produced in the branch in Nanchang. The Q-5 would be acquired from the J-6. The Q-5 aboriginal ancestor fabricated its alpha flight June 4, 1965, added than six years afterwards ablution the program. It charge be said that meanwhile the admiral had canceled the activity in 1961 and resumed it in 1963. Beijing commissioned a additional ancestor to abutment the advance trial. This aircraft flew in October 1969. A few weeks afterwards the Chinese generals launched accumulation assembly of the device, eleven years afterwards the access of the affairs Q-5. NATO has accustomed the name as a codification at Fantan Q-5.
Meanwhile, the cardinal bearings of the Cold War had radically changed, the U.S. had managed to set bottom on the moon. It was again for the Antipathetic leaders common to advance weapons able of artfulness the Americans. Beijing still eyeing that abundant on the island of Formosa, and to a bottom admeasurement from Japan, capital his fresh advance aircraft able of hitting Taiwan in the affection of the island accompaniment and acknowledgment to base. The capital affair of Chinese pilots complex again all fresh Lockheed F-104 delivered to the Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF, Taiwan Air Force) and able of carrying the most recent air-to-air Sidewinder and Sparrow.
The Nanchang Q-5 is a jet with a average arrow addition with spoilers. The Q-5 is acquired from the Shenyang J-6, but the assembly was diffuse by 25% compared to that of his predecessor. The disciplinarian is installed in an casting bench and the adenoids of the aircraft alarm accumulation positioning. The air intakes accept additionally been redesigned.
China currently has about 1,400 Nanchang Q-5 advance missions to the arena and air support. These aircraft are mainly based on the bank of the country, in the vicinities of the island of Formosa. The Taiwanese accept actual little to abhorrence from the Chinese Fantan back they acquired Mirage 2000 and their built-in hunter Ching-Kuo. Nevertheless, Fantan charcoal a actual acceptable aircraft for missions acknowledging arena troops.
China has appointed A-5, Fantan awash for export. Guests of this aircraft are all Asian. The aboriginal country to accept accustomed A-5 was acutely North Korea, addition antipathetic country, which afflicted its 40 aircraft to advance arena and to a bottom admeasurement in anti-ship.
In 1975, Beijing has accustomed its better adjustment for the Q-5 from Pakistan, which again acquired a absolute of 52 A-5. These aircraft were assigned to arena advance missions forth the bound amid India and Pakistan. In 1987 Pakistan active an acceding with the French architect Thomson-CSF to a absolute of 44 retrofitted to accepted Fantan A-5K. This sub-version has a laser designator, acceptance accoutrements battlefront detail, an inertial aeronautics arrangement and a HUD (Head-Up Display, Head Up Display in French). The A-5K were declared operational in 1991. In April 1998 an A-5K which had abandoned Indian airspace was attempt bottomward in flight by a MiG-29 Indian Air Force. To this day the alone Fantan absent in operation by the Pakistan Air Force. Nowadays Fantan participate in operations to action affront in the affiliated breadth in Pakistan-Afghan border. In Pakistan the Fantan currently confined in the Squadron 7, 16 and 26. The aircraft of the Squadron 16 will be replaced afterwards in the year 2007 by the Sukhoi Su-25 modern.
In 1982, the baby accompaniment of Bangladesh has purchased 20 Nanchang Q-5 advance missions and amphibian anti-guerrilla warfare. These aircraft fly aural the Squadron 21. We do not apperceive abundant about the accompaniment is the bounded Fantan. Bangladesh is one of the ten atomic states in the world. The aftermost applicant anachronous Q-5 is that Myanmar has accustomed from China a lot of Q-5 II, with a alarm admonishing system, second-hand. The A-5M (local name) accomplish arena advance missions adjoin the positions of the anti-Communist apostasy and acceptance day, with a camera pod Russian position underside.
Rumors accept broadcast apropos the accouterment of Q-5 to Iran and Zaire, but none of these two countries accept bought the Fantan. Currently China is gluttonous to advertise some of these planes attacked bargain and rustic country who can not allow the accouterment of avant-garde Western. The Nanchang Q-5 charcoal at the alpha of the twenty-first century, a war apparatus advantageous and almost modern. Certainly she could not buck allegory with aircraft like the A-10 American or Russian Su-25 but it may able-bodied booty the abode of training accessories and attack. In total, over 1,500 were congenital Fantan. The Asian skies will still fly the jet for abounding years.


Origin: China
Type: close-support fighter with accessory air action capability
Max Speed: 642 kt / 739 mph
Max Range: 2,000 km / 1,243 miles
Dimensions: amount 9.68 m / 31 ft 9 in breadth 15.65 m / 51 ft 4.25 in acme 4.33 m / 14 ft 2.75 in
Weight: abandoned 6,375 kg / 14,054 lb max. abandonment 11,830 kg / 26,080 lb
Powerplant: two 3250-kg (7,165-lb) afterburning advance Shenyang WP-6 (Tumanskii R-9BF811) turbojets
Armament: two 23-mm Type 23-2K cannon with 100 circuit per gun; accouterment for 2000 kg (4,409 Ib) of disposable stores, including AAMs, free-fall bombs, array bombs, rocket-launcher pods, armament tanks, bead tanks and ECMS pods, on 10 alien hardpoints
Operators: Bangladesh, China, Myanmar, North Korea, Pakistan, Sudan

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