Boeing B-52H Stratofortress

The B-52 has been the capital American abundant adviser of the aftermost 54 years. The massive aircraft served throughout the acute periods of the Cold War as a nuclear deterrent, as a committed adviser and assay belvedere in the Vietnam War and as a carpet-bombing daydream for the Iraqi Army in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Added recently, the B-52 has apparent activity accomplishments in the 2001 advance on Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) and the 2003 Aggression of Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom). The Stratofortress aircraft has acquired into a multi-role aircraft appropriately able of committed bombing, cardinal bombing, anti-shipping, nuclear warfare, mine-laying, close-support, reconnaissance, cyberbanking warfare and amphibian surveillance sorties. Upon its birth into the USAF inventory, the B-52 became America's aboriginal long-range, swept-wing abundant adviser and currently maintains the appellation of longest confined adviser in United States aggressive history.
The Boeing close had fabricated a name for itself alpha with its aircraft developments throughout the interwar years afterward Apple War 1. By Apple War 2, the aggregation would become a domiciliary name acknowledgment to its development of the arch B-17 "Flying Fortress", confined in both the Pacific and European Theaters, as able-bodied as its aftereffect architecture - the B-29 "Superfortress" continued range, high-altitude abundant adviser answerable with bottomward the two diminutive bombs on Japan. The bartering "Stratocruiser" appeared in the post-war years as did the aggressive B-47 "Stratojet" bomber. It was no abruptness afresh that the appellation of "Stratofortress" was alleged for what would become one of the Boeing's better successes to date.
Origins of the B-52 stemmed from a blueprint issued through the avant-garde Air Material Command (AMC) on November 23rd, 1945. AMC fell beneath the annex of the United States Air Force at the end of Apple War 2 admitting it originally began account in 1917 as allotment of the US Army Signal Corps. This fresh blueprint alleged for a abutting bearing long-range, intercontinental, high-altitude cardinal adviser to alter the already-in-development Convair B-36 Peacemakers. In February of 1946, the Boeing Aircraft Company, Consolidated Aircraft Corporation and the Glenn L. Martin Aggregation all jumped into the affray with their corresponding responses. Boeing's aggregation devised the Archetypal 462 as a straight-wing, multi-engine architecture powered by 6 x Wright T35 Typhoon turboprop engines rated at 5,500shp each. On June 5th, 1946, Archetypal 462 was alleged avant-garde of the backpack and the bequest of the B-52 was built-in in the appellation of XB-52. A all-encompassing mockup adjustment was afresh awarded.
By now, the USAAF was already attractive aloft the qualities of the Archetypal 462, fearing that the aircraft was already rendered anachronistic in its accustomed architecture access and could never adeptness the advised goals of the aboriginal blueprint - abnormally in agreement of its range. As such, the USAAF annulled their adjustment with Boeing and the Archetypal 462 was dead.
Boeing arch architect Ed Wells took the Archetypal 462 and acquired a brace of abate concepts with four turboprops anniversary actualization in their corresponding 464-16 and 464-17 forms. Essentially, the 464-16 was a short-range adviser fabricated to backpack a greater bombload while the 464-17 was a all-embracing adviser fabricated to backpack a abate bombload. Neither abstraction ashore with the USAAF as a backup for the B-36 admitting absorption did centermost on the 464-17 design. Several added concepts were developed but absorption on the allotment of the Air Force was waning. The Archetypal 464-29 appeared, complete with swept-back wings at 20 degrees and applicable 4 x Pratt & Whitney turboprop engines. Again, this abstraction bootless to acknowledgment the key credibility of the blueprint which, by now, was ever-changing to accommodate added achievement specs forth with continued range.
The Archetypal 464-35 was addition Boeing architecture aggregation angle applicable 4 x turboprop engines with contra-rotating propellers. Addition ambit was added moreso than antecedent attempts, alpha to ascertain the attending of the Stratofortress. With in-flight refueling acceptable added of a USAF operational norm, the architecture aggregation now had some elbowroom in the all-embracing admeasurement of their aircraft. Events in Europe in the closing allotment of the 1940's pushed the XB-52 activity forward, advantageous the Boeing Aggregation with a hard-earned adjustment for a distinct cartoon and at diminutive two flyable prototypes.
Upon a appointment to Wright-Patterson AFB by the Boeing architecture team, it was abstruse that the USSAF was now added absorbed in a jet-powered solution, seeing it as the abandoned way to accomplish the adapted achievement specs it appropriate of the XB-52. In the advance of a distinct weekend in a Dayton auberge allowance Ed Wells aggregation set to assignment on fresh account for a Monday morning presentation. The consistent architecture accumulated elements of their Archetypal 464-35 architecture with a four-engine, jet-powered average adviser abstraction that had been brought along. The fresh aircraft became an eight-engine, Pratt & Whitney JT3 jet-powered abundant adviser with 35-degree swept wings. A baby balsa copse archetypal was complete to added advance the abstraction and accompanied a abundant Archetypal 464-49 architecture certificate of some 33 pages. The weekend accomplishment paid off for Boeing as the USAF became abundantly absorbed in the aircraft afterwards Monday morning. The architecture was revised into the Archetypal 464-67 accustomed the fresh aircraft for architecture as two prototypes. Despite this progress, the USAF was still attractive at alternatives to their abutting bearing adviser architecture including modifying B-36's (as the YB-60) and B-47's (as the B-47Z) still in development.
Thanks to the eyes of Accustomed Curtis LeMay to see the XB-52 affairs appear to fruition, USAF administrator of SAC (Strategic Air Command), the XB-52 accumulation adjustment assuredly landed in the lap of Boeing admiral on February 14th, 1951. The adjustment alleged for 13 B-52A models.
The USAF still batted about the capital ambition for the XB-52 affairs however, and was now calling for a assay aircraft in the anatomy of the RB-52 admitting Accustomed LeMay and SAC still saw amount in a bomber/reconnaissance hybrid. Despite the disagreements, the XB-52 aggregation artificial on. The XB-52 became the aboriginal ancestor complete and this was followed by the YB-52. The YB-52 accustomed this appraisal due to the allotment advancing from the Air Force's Logistics Command, a administration not absolutely accustomed to armamentarium alpha aircraft projects such as this.
The YB-52 exhausted the XB-52 to flight testing on March 15th, 1952. The XB-52 was formed out on November 29th, 1951, beneath the awning of night for secrecy's account but a aeriform adjustment abortion acquired abundant blow to the addition abaft bend for the aircraft to be formed aback axial for diffuse repairs. As such, the YB-52 able its aboriginal flight on April 15th, 1952 and did not acquaintance any admirable setbacks. The XB-52 assuredly fabricated it aerial on October 2nd, 1952. Both the XB-52 and the YB-52 featured bike basement cockpits with advancement battlefront casting seats.
At its core, the B-52 architecture sported a audibly continued and abbreviate fuselage, about ellipsoidal in appearance aback beheld from the front. Wings were shoulder-mounted monoplanes added to the avant-garde allocation of the accumulation and swept aback at 35 degrees. The sag inherent in the massive admeasurement of the addition amount affected both wings to abruptness bottomward appear the ends aback the aircraft was at rest. This appropriate the use of abate abutment landing apparatus (called outriggers) outboard of the exoteric agent grouping. Wings could angle an absorbing 22 anxiety up and 10 anxiety down. Anniversary addition independent four engines in two agent pairings. If an agent were to affection an uncontrollable fire, the absolute pod would eventually appear afar and bead off, analysis itself from the aircraft addition and in aftereffect extenuative the aircraft - and "unexpected benefit" as acclaimed by Boeing designers. The flight accouter would be anchored abaft and aloft a abbreviate adenoids and affection windowed surfaces for angle forward, aloft and to the sides. The cockpit itself was fabricated up of two abstracted floors with the pilot and co-pilot on aerial floor. The bomb accolade took up best of the lower axial accumulation while the basic followed clothing with the Boeing B-47 - consisting of four afar abandoning trucks with double-wheels at the avant-garde and average underfuselage positions - avant-garde and aft of the bomb bay doors. These trucks could additionally be steered up to 20 degrees larboard or appropriate to atone in crosswinds. The appendage was bedeviled by a distinct ample vertical appendage fin and accustomed accumbent surfaces.
Modern B-52's (B-52H models) accomplish an electro-optical, avant-garde bittersweet (FLIR) sensor commutual with high-resolution, low-light-level television in targeting and activity assessing for low- and high-level operations. Pilots can advance night eyes eyes to enhance low-light aerial operations while all-around accession systems (GPS) acquiesce for beheld biking abetment to anywhere in the world. In-flight refueling, forth with agent improvements, has appreciably and consistently added the ambit of the Stratofortress. Improvements to aggregation comfort, accustomed aggregation assurance and versatility to arise aerial aggregate centralized and alien endless acquire all benefitted in authoritative the B-52 accordant on today's battlefield.
With its adviser origins, Stratofortress ammunition artlessly centered abandoned on the adeptness to acreage a ample abundance of assorted types of accustomed and nuclear munitions. The H-models, for example, activity a bombload of up to 70,000lbs. Ammunition can ambit from accustomed bead bombs, precision-guided guided bombs and abundance dispensing units. The Stratofortress eventually activated and was accustomed to blaze alike added avant-garde ammunition and guided weapons including nuclear-tipped types. Alien mountings of these weapons would become a allotment of the B-52 ammunition adjustment aural time. Today the B-52 is austere to use added ammunition types in the American account than any added USAF aircraft.
While aboriginal B-52's featured a 4 x 12.7mm accumulating of Browning M3 abundant apparatus accoutrements in a rear turret, afterwards accumulation models switched over to a remote-controlled 1 x 20mm M61 cannon for self-defense. The appendage ammunition was altogether removed in added avant-garde Stratofortress forms as it was accounted about abortive for the missile age. However, it should acclaimed that at diminutive 2 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 "Fishbed" aircraft were destroyed in the Vietnam War by the appendage gunner, with these aircraft kills accustomed to SSgt Samuel O. Turner and A1C Albert E. Moore - both kills able aloof canicule afar in December of 1972 from B-52D's.
Modern B-52H's activity 8 x Pratt & Whitney TF33-P-3/103 alternation turbofans positioned in pairs with four to a wing. These engines were a achievement advance over the antecedent turbojet types acclimated in beforehand Stratofortresses admitting they did acquire their growing pains. Achievement blueprint for H-models account the best acceleration at 650 afar per hour with a activity ambit of 4,480 afar while bear ambit is listed at 10,145 miles. The aircraft's account beam is bound to almost 50,000 anxiety while a rate-of-climb of 6,270 anxiety per minute is possible. The B-52H relies on a aggregation of bristles cadre fabricated up of the pilot, co-pilot, navigator, Cyberbanking Warfare Officer and the alarm navigator/bombardier. Assay versions in the aircrafts history appropriate up to eight personnel.
Despite its all-encompassing history, the B-52 was absolutely produced in beneath than a dozen variants alpha with the aloft adorning bound accumulation B-52A model. From the aboriginal adjustment of 13 B-52A's, ten were afterwards appropriate for accumulation as B-52B models. Compared to the accompanying prototypes, the three B-52A's now featured the added accustomed side-by-side cockpit basement adjustment in a revised avant-garde accumulation forth with the appendage ammunition of 4 x 12.7mm Browning M3 apparatus guns. A appropriate affection of A-models to B-models was the abridgement of a absolutely operational avionics suite. These aircraft were adapted with Pratt & Whitney J57-9W engines of 10,000lbf advance each. The split-level cockpit featured basement for three on the aerial accouter and basement for two in the lower. The lower occupants were accustomed downward-firing casting seats. The appendage gunner was removed from the blow of the aggregation and built-in in his rear-facing turret abject sans any blazon of casting bench admitting the appendage adjustment could be ejected in the blow of an accident. An unpressurized crawlspace was his abandoned articulation to the avant-garde of the aircraft. In-flight refueling was able via a bang affiliation aloft and abaft the capital flight deck. Added key additions included wing-mounted alien ammunition tanks to access ambit and abatement "wing-flexing" beyond the span. Baptize bang was alien to the J57 to abetment in take-off. The two prototypes lacked the side-by-side cockpit basement adjustment and the in-flight refueling adjustment of the A-models and basement for the third aerial accouter crewmember (Electronic Warfare Officer - EWO). NB-52A - aka "The Aerial and Mighty One" - was developed from the third B-52A flight analysis model. This aircraft (s/n 52-0003) was adapted to act as the mothership in the ablution of the alpha North American X-15 hot rod aircraft.
The B-52B was, in actuality, the aboriginal accurate Stratofortress accumulation archetypal and was already in development while the antecedent aircraft forms were actuality refined. They added about A-models with absolutely operational avionics suites and Pratt & Whitney J57-P-29W, J57-P-29WA or J57-P-19W alternation engines all rated at 10,500lbf thrust. The J57-P-19W's were differentiated by accepting their compressor blades fabricated of titanium instead of steel. Aboriginal flight of these aircraft was able in December of 1954. B-models were the aboriginal archetypal in the alternation to accomplish operational account on June 29th in 1955, this occurring with the 93rd Bombardment Addition (themselves accomplishing operational cachet on March 12th, 1956) of the United States Air Force and advancing in the anatomy of an RB-52B assay model. The arresting appendage ammunition remained the 4 x 12.7mm apparatus gun mounts for a time admitting some 16 B-52B and 18 RB-52B models were adapted with a added almighty 2 x M24A-1 20mm cannon adjustment and an altered blaze ascendancy system. Aback this accustomed ineffective, the final accumulation B-52B's changed aback to the 4 x 12.7mm formation.
The B-52B was activated with diminutive weapons on May 21st, 1956 - bottomward a four megaton Mark 15 "Zombie" hydrogen bomb on the Bikini Atoll. Fifty B-52B models were produced in whole, with 27 of these actuality adapted as appropriate RB-52's. RB-52's represented reconnaissance-capable B-52B accumulation models. These aircraft sported a aggregation of eight cadre and were adapted to acquire specialized assay accessories in the anatomy of a 300lb pod in their bomb bays. The NB-52B (aka "Balls 8") was addition distinct archetype Stratofortress (this actuality a B-model) afresh adapted to backpack the alpha North American X-15 for analysis with NASA. NB-52B went on to become the longest aerial B-52B airframe, ultimately seeing retirement in 2004.
B-model activity amount achievement netted a top acceleration of 628 afar per hour with a account beam of 47,300 feet. The operational ambit was according to 3,576 miles.
The B-52C aboriginal flew on March 9, 1956 and clearly came online in June of 1956 with 35 of the blazon seeing delivery. B-52C's accustomed with added ambit acknowledgment to bigger ammunition accommodation fabricated accessible through beyond alien tanks. They were agnate to B-models and operated with the aforementioned agent series. As this was the Cold War and the use of B-52's in an absolute nuclear bang seemed all but imminent, the abject accumulation of B-52C models were corrective over in an all-white adjustment in an accomplishment to reflect the thermal radiation inherent in a nuclear-induced access while their "tops" remained a accustomed metal finish. B-52B models were retrofitted with this white abject scheme. Bombloads for C-models topped 24,000lbs. B-52C's were additionally assay able admitting the RB-52C appellation was never absolutely adopted for the type. Accumulation of all C-models lasted through 1956.
The B-52D became the aboriginal absolute high-quantity accumulation Stratofortress ultimately produced in 170 examples and accomplishing aboriginal flight on May 14th, 1956. D-models entered account in December of 1956 as committed all-embracing bombers and, clashing antecedent Stratofortress offerings, these aircraft would not affection the adeptness to backpack the assay pod so there were no RB-52D designations handed out. B-52D's were acclimated abundantly in the Vietnam air war breadth their all-embracing bomb accolade could be put to acceptable use. Vietnam-based B-52D models were acclaimed by their all-embracing backwoods appearance schemes and black-colored, anti-searchlight accumulation undersides. Accumulation was breach amid Seattle and Wichita plants.
The B-52E aboriginal flew on October 17th, 1957, and followed D-models into operational account as bigger Stratofortresses admitting they were absolutely agnate to their predecessor. Bigger air defenses beyond the Soviet Union ammunition a change to the high-level bombing activity of aboriginal B-52's. Therefore, the B-52E was developed into a low-level bomber. Additions included a revised bombing and aeronautics apartment (AN/ASQ-38 - Raytheon AN/ASB-4 aeronautics and bombing radar) that would become accustomed on approaching Stratofortress accumulation models. One hundred B-52E models were produced with the antecedent examples entering account in December of 1957. A distinct E-model was set abreast for use as an in-flight analysis airframe and featured stabilizing canards.
The B-52F was agnate to the above-mentioned B-52E but sported Pratt & Whitney J57-43W alternation engines of 11,200lbf. Agent pods on anniversary addition were revised to accommodate their own baptize bang systems. F-models represented 89 accumulation examples breach amid Seattle and Wichita to activate account in June of 1958. Among added refinements, these Stratofortresses featured fresh Pratt & Whitney J57-P-43W alternation turbojet engines. Aboriginal flight was able on May 6th, 1958.
The B-52G archetypal was originally a near-complete redesign of the abject B-52 but a simpler adapted architecture was accustomed instead. G-models featured the all-important "wet wing" adjustment in which the centralized spaces of the addition were activated for the accumulator of ammunition beef for added all-embracing ammunition accommodation and appropriately operational range. Several bags were baldheaded off of the aircraft and aggregation apartment were improved. The appendage gunner was relocated to a fresh abject aural the capital berth breadth in the avant-garde accumulation breadth the blow of the aggregation resided and accustomed alien ascendancy of the turret via a TV link. The vertical appendage fin was beneath while the adenoids radome was diffuse and ailerons absolutely abandoned in favor of seven spoilers to accommodate for cycle control. Accumulation of all G-models totaled 193 examples apery the best produced B-52 models in the alternation seeing aboriginal flight on August 31st, 1958 and entering account on February 13th, 1959. G-models (55th accumulation onwards) were outfitted with underwing pylons to acquire the AGM-28/GAM-77 Hound Dog nuclear-tipped cruise missile - a affection additionally retrofitted on beforehand accumulation G-models. These Superfortresses were additionally afterwards austere to use 20 x AGM-69 SRAM nuclear missiles alpha in 1971. Four ADM-20 Quails (aircraft shaped decoys) were added in the bomb bay. Many B-52G's would be sacrificed as allotment of the nuclear admeasurement agreements amid the United States and the Soviet Union alpha in 1992 while the actual models were relegated to building work. Accumulation of G-models was handled by Wichita.
The B-52H archetypal was aboriginal aureate on March 6th, 1961 and alien into account on May 9th, 1961. It was never meant to be produced for the USAF had its eyes on the North American Mach 3-capable XB-70 Valkyrie to booty the Superfortresses place. Aback the Valkyrie activity folded, the USAF angry to Boeing for addition "final" B-52 - this in the B-52H archetypal and advised to backpack the fresh GAM-87 Skybolt ballistic missile on four alien pylons. Admitting about agnate to the G-models it replaced, the B-52H sported bigger achievement and ammunition able Pratt & Whitney TF33-P-3 turbofan engines of 17,000lbf and a able basis for bigger low-level bombing. Major systems and subsystems were revised or bigger as able-bodied and the 4 x 12.7mm appendage gun ammunition was clearly replaced by the remote-controlled 1 x 20mm Accustomed Electric M61 Vulcan six-barrel Gatling cannon adjustment (6,000rpm) angry to an Emerson ASG-21 blaze ascendancy system. Ammunition accumulation was 1,242 rounds. The B-52H went on to advance cruise missiles (the Skybolt missile was eventually annulled afore production), anti-ship missiles and unmanned drones in this appearance acknowledgment to its abundant assignment addition pylons. Light assignment pylons were added afterwards amid the two agent pods on either wings and retrofitted to beforehand H- and G-models. Like her G-model sisters, B-52H's were austere to use 20 x AGM-69 SRAM nuclear missiles alpha in 1971. Low-level operations became addition advance of this archetypal type. In 2004, a B-52H was alleged to alter the long-running NB-52B analysis archetypal mentioned previously. H-models now represent the abandoned Stratofortress models in operational service.
The EB-52H was a proposed cyberbanking warfare alternative of the abject B-52H model. The plan was to catechumen 16 of the accumulation G-models into this fresh belvedere admitting abridgement of allotment nixed the affairs altogether - twice.
The B-52 performed a admired bridle role during the Cold War years, stationed for a time in "quick response" air patterns to accommodate for a accelerated acknowledgment to any Soviet nuclear attack. These aircraft formed the "Dirty Dozen". The B-52 is about accepted added for her captivation and contributions in the Vietnam War. Her bombing adeptness accustomed incomparable in her bags of sorties over Vietnam. Aboriginal activity missions occurred via B-52F'ss on June 18th, 1965. B-52D models were additionally activated and adapted to booty on alike added of a activity amount than F-models, whom they replaced. D-models fabricated their attendance accepted on April 1966 and became the accustomed Stratofortress of the war. D- and H-models both alternate in Operation Linebacker II - a non-stop, about two-week continued bombing attack adjoin Vietcong targets with ten Stratofortresses absent in the afterwards action.
The B-52G models were a accoutrement of the Persian Gulf War in 1991. Basic from bases aural the United States, Stratofortresses fabricated their way to the added ancillary of the apple to hit targets aural Iraq. Afterwards missions would see B-52G's basic from bases about the arena for appropriately able results. Their carpeting bombing adeptness no agnosticism accustomed a amazing cerebral aftereffect on Iraq army units. According to the USAF, B-52's accounted for 40% of ammunition abandoned by Coalition forces, accoutrement some 1,620 absolute sorties in the war with no combat-related losses. Targets included bunkers, barrio of absorption and troop concentrations. B-52's conducted the longest bang mission anytime during the conflict, alpha from Barksdale AFB in Louisiana and accoutrement some 35 hours of ceaseless flight time afore carrying baleful cruise missiles adjoin Iraq targets.
The B-52 in H-model anatomy was alleged to activity in the 2001 American aggression of Afghanistan afterward 9/11. Stratofortress elements activated their all-encompassing amble times and ample payloads to action on-the-spot abetment to arena forces, this through guided ammunition deliveries. Although added abate multi-role aircraft would acquire sufficed in the role, annihilation in the American account could absolutely bout the B-52 in agreement of concentrated and quantitative firepower. Carpeting bombing doubtable Taliban locations in the arctic abundance areas were additionally the adeptness of B-52's over Afghanistan.
The 2003 American aggression of Iraq was addition avant-garde amphitheater for the B-52 to advertise its account to the avant-garde air force. In the aperture assault, Stratofortresses unleashed over 100 cruise missiles on targets of befalling throughout Iraq.
Despite its continued history, the United States Air Force - try as they adeptness - acquire no actual affairs to retire this barbarian any time soon. Over the years, the B-52 faced threats of backup from the brand of the blighted North American Valkyrie, the supersonic Rockwell B-1 Lancer and the Northrop B-2 Spirit stealth bomber. Admitting the B-1 and B-2 bombers entered accumulation in some quantity, their absolute backbone remained in their adeptness to bear attention payloads while utilizing acceleration or stealth practices to abstain adversary air defenses. The B-52 charcoal almighty today because it can be activated to agitating aftereffect afterwards these adversary air defenses acquire been baffled - as apparent in Persian Gulf 1991, in the 2001 war in Afghanistan and assuredly in the 2003 aggression of Iraq.
Modernization and refurbish programs acquire no agnosticism played a role in befitting the Stratofortress accordant these accomplished decades and the ambition is to accumulate it as such for decades to come. According to the USAF, it is accepted that the B-52 can abide in account able-bodied up to 2040, which is an amazing anticipation accustomed that the aircraft was a architecture aboriginal aureate in the 1950's. During its aiguille captivation with Cardinal Air Command, no beneath than 650 B-52 bombers fabricated up 42 SAC adviser squadrons at 38 bases. As of this writing, the Air Force maintains about 76 alive and 20 assets B-52's from the 744 absolute that were produced. Accumulation of all B-52's lasted from 1952 through 1962 and handled at the Boeing Seattle, Washington and Wichita, Kansas plants, appearance some 47 years back the aftermost Stratofortress formed off of the accumulation lines.
It is accessible for one to balloon that this massive aircraft was a almanac setter in its day. A apple air acceleration almanac was set on September 26th, 1958, in a B-52D extensive 560.705 afar per hour on a bankrupt ambit accoutrement 6,210 miles. The aforementioned day netted addition air acceleration almanac of 597.675 afar per hour over a 3,105 mile course. On December 14th, 1960, a B-52G set a apple air ambit almanac by traveling 10,078.84 afar after refueling. This almanac was baffled several years afterwards on January 10th/11th, 1962, aback a B-52H able 12,532.28 afar of unrefueled flight time in a adventure from Japan to Spain. According to Boeing, this distinct flight abandoned bankrupt some 11 acceleration and ambit records.
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