Aerospace Sea Harrier

Known affectionately in the RNAS as the 'Shar', the BAE Aerospace Sea Harrier VTOL - STOVL jet
fighter advance aircraft saw all-encompassing use in the Falklands campaign. The BAE Sea Harrier is a argosy development of the Hawker Siddeley Harrier. It aboriginal entered account with the RNAS in April 1980 afterward the retirement of the Royal Navy's aftermost ample aircraft carrier, the Ark Royal, and it's Phantom and Sea Vixen fighters. The aboriginal Sea Harriers were upgraded to the BAE Sea Harrier FA2 in 1990 afterward acquaint empiric from the aircraft's achievement in the Falklands campaign. The BAE Sea Harrier FA2 was phased out of account in backward March 2006, to be replaced by the BAE Harrier GR7A as the role of the RNAS's Harrier force is now apparent as primarily arena advance rather than air defence.
RNAS (Royal Navy Air Squadron) BAE Aerospace Sea Harrier FA2 Specifications:-
*Crew: 1 Pilot
*Ejection Seat: Martin-Baker Mk.10H zero-zero
*Power plant: 1 x Rolls-Royce Pegasus Mk 106 turbofan of 95,6 kN (21500 lbs) thrust.
*Length: 14.17 m
*Height: 3.61 m
*Wing Span: 7.70 m
*Max. payload: 3855 kg
*Max. alien weapons load: 3629 kg
*Max. fuel: 2295 kg centralized and up to 3000 litres external
*Maximum Vertical abandonment weight: 7992 kg
*Maximum accepted abandonment weight: 11880 kg
*Max. speed: Mach 0.94 at sea akin (1145 km/h, 618 kts)
*Max. acceleration at aerial altitude: Mach 0.97 (1070 km/h, 578 kts)
*Combat air patrol: 1 h 30 min on base at 110 NM (185 km) from carrier
*Surface advance mission radius: 200 NM (370 km) with two Sea Eagle missiles and 30 mm guns
Origin: UK
Type: shipborne multi-role action aircraft
Max Speed: 639 kt / 736 mph
Max Range: 1000 km / 620 miles
Dimensions: amount 7.70 m / 25ft 3 in breadth 14.17 m / 46 ft 6 in acme 3.71 m / 12 ft 2 in
Weight: abandoned 5,942 kg / 13,100 lb best abandonment 11,884 kg / 26,200 lb
Powerplant: one 9752-kg (21,500-lb) dry advance Rolls Royce Pegasus Mk 106 vectored-thrust turbofan
Armament: two 30-mm Aden cannon, additional accouterment for 3629 kg (8,000 Ib) of food agitated on bristles pylons and including four AIM-120 AMRAAM or two AMRAAM and four Sidewinder AAMs, two Harpoon or Sea Eagle anti-ship missiles and a cardinal of added avant-garde weapons to accompaniment the types agitated by the Sea Harrier FRS.Mk 1
Operators: India

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